Compendium Press

Bell's Compendium on Searches & Seizures

Since 1969, Bell’s Compendium has been the authoritative choice for fast and accurate research on the law of searches, seizures & bugging.

Bell’s is online, and is the fastest way to find California, 9th Circuit and United States Supreme Court cases on searches, seizures and bugging. We have indexed every case in summary format, so you can find what you need when you need it. We save you hours of research time by letting you search under topic or key words.

Case names that are shown in UPPERCASE BOLD indicate decisions where a search has been declared illegal and evidence suppressed. Cases in lowercase are those that have come out the other way. This allows you to find supporting authority for your particular set of facts. Our subscribers have full access to the database and search functions. Search results are printable.

Bell's you get these features:

* One click on a topic, such as Consent to Search, takes you to a full page of squibs in under 1 second!
* A key word or phrase typed in the search box delivers hits in 1.3 seconds.
* You can create a print out or pdf of your results in 5 seconds.
• The
Poop Sheet newsletter, 6 issues per year, analyzing the most important cases (included with your subscription).

For further details go to

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“The continued operation of the exclusionary rule, as settled and defined by our precedents, is not in doubt.” – Justice Anthony Kennedy, Hudson v. Michigan